Friday, September 9, 2011

A Quilt Story

So this one summer 2 (or was it 3?)  years ago I got a whole bunch of quilting fabrics and batting at a rummage sale for $5. With all that excitement my sister and I declared we were going to make a quilt for my parent's 30th anniversary coming up. It was destiny that we needed to make this quilt. I'm pretty sure I said, "God wills it".

That first year we made our plan, got the 4 corner squares, the lighthouse block, and seashell block completed. We were on a roll. Then life happened. The quilt project got pushed aside.

Somewhere between then and two weeks ago the little fish square was made. Wow big accomplishment! Right.

My sister had a week off of work recently so we planned time to work on it. We were finally going to make this thing happen. We cut and sewed like our lives depended on it. This thing is a giant. In a couple days we got the final blocks made, picked out fabric for the borders (after 3 trips to Joann's...), put the whole thing together, and quilted it. It took a lot of team work in the final stages - pinning, tag teaming at the sewing machine, and wrestling all the fabric around the sewing machine. Then it was all over. Complete. The feeling that we'd been looking forward to for years was upon us, and the quilt that was meant to be was draped over my parent's bed.

Ah project finished and mom, and dad love it! We could not be happier.

{I told you it was a giant. It's on a queen size bed.}

{My sister hand stitched this sweet square for the back. Which reminds me I forgot to take a picture of the whole back. Blogger fail.}

{My sister got a fancy pants sewing machine since we first started. What an upgrade! I'm totally jealous after getting to use it.}

{This was a very helpful purchase with all the pieces that were appliqued. Too bad we didn't have this when we started.}

Note- We are by no means expert quilters. I'm sure we made some quilting faux pas. We're good at just going for it, trying things, and putting a ton of love into it.

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